大多數民眾並不知道任何擁有醫療執照的醫師 都可以合法進行毛髮移植修復手術
為什麼選擇 ABHRS 認證的毛髮移植醫生?
全球大約有 200 名毛髮修復外科醫生完成了嚴格的考核,獲得了ABHRS委員會的推薦認證。要擁有 ABHRS 的文憑,醫生必須證明受過培訓、提供培訓後手術經驗的證明、審美技能以及對脫髮及其治療方式的全面臨床理解。為了獲得參加年度考試的資格,考生必須出示臨床記錄和手術報告,其中包含手術細節以及手術前後照片,以提供高質量、美容和美學效果的證明。申請人必須成功完成綜合考試,包括口頭和書面部分,以確定毛髮移植手術技術的全面知識。
ABHRS 認證流程
- 申請人必須提交申請人執業管轄範圍內有關當局的信譽良好的當前有效 M.D 或 D.O 許可證的複印件Applicant must submit photocopy of current valid M.D. or D.O. license in good standing from the appropriate authority in the jurisdiction of the applicant’s practice.
- 申請人必須提交一份自我聲明,說明所有司法管轄區的所有許可證都是明確且不受限制的Applicant must submit a self declaration that all licenses in all jurisdictions are clear and unrestricted.
- 申請人必須提交由美國心臟協會或申請人執業管轄範圍內的類似認證官員認證的當前有效的帶有體外除顫器的基本生命支持的證據Applicant must submit evidence of current and valid Basic Life Support with External Defibrillator certification by the American Heart Association or comparable certification official in the jurisdiction of the applicant’s practice.
- 申請人必須提交兩 (2) 封來自對申請人的知識、技能、培訓和經驗水平有個人了解的醫生的推薦信。所述推薦人應為參加 ABHRS 考試的候選人提供他們的個人推薦Applicant must submit two (2) reference letters from physicians who have personal knowledge regarding the applicant’s level of knowledge, skills, training and experience. Said references should offer their personal recommendation on the candidate to sit for the ABHRS Examination.
- 推薦信應該來自屬於 ISHRS 國際毛髮修復外科學會 和/或ASHRS 美國頭髮修復外科學會Reference letters should come from physicians who belong to the ISHRS International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and/or ASHRS American Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.
- 注意:ABHRS 董事會或 ABHRS 考試委員會現任成員的推薦信是可以接受的Note: Reference letters are acceptable from current members of the ABHRS Board of Directors or the ABHRS Examination Committee.
- 申請人必須提交其簡歷的最新副本Applicant must submit a current copy of his/her curriculum vitae.
- 申請人應提供申請人從美國醫學協會、美國骨科協會或 FSMB 的聯邦證書驗證服務處訂購的醫生檔案。請注意,美國以外的醫生可免除此要求Applicant shall provide a physician profile ordered by applicant from the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, or the Federation Credentials Verification Service of the FSMB. Please note this requirement is waived for physicians outside of the U.S.
- 申請人必須成功完成涵蓋頭髮修復程序一般知識的筆試和口試Applicant shall provide a physician profile ordered by applicant from the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, or the Federation Credentials Verification Service of the FSMB. Please note this requirement is waived for physicians outside of the U.S.